Applied Information is a technology company working to save lives, improve traffic, and help the environment.
Applied Information is a technology company working to save lives, improve traffic, and help the environment.
Bridge Creative designed, coded, and produced the Applied Information website. The site serves as a central source of marketing activity. In addition to custom designed informational pages, the site leverages an active blog and a strategic content marketing effort.
In addition to content focused pages, the website also handles the inbound marketing components for Applied Information. A dynamic AdWords campaign relies on the website and inbound marketing offers are leveraged to create new leads.
Applied Information has a highly defined niche. Consequently, their Content Marketing Program plays a critical role in the overall marketing program. With a narrow scope, our team was able to focus on a handful of keywords and actively improve their rank on search engine results pages (SERPs).
Today, Applied Information secures a first page ranking and, in many cases, is the top result for their most critical keywords.