The Bridge Blog
Now What?
So you have a logo. Great. Maybe you got it from 99 Designs or maybe you hired Wolff Olins to do it. The big question is – now what? Design firms often view the moment you are handed the logo as the end of the project/engagement until the next big piece of work is needed but that’s a wrong way to look at it. Continue Reading…
The Next Job
For a project based firm to run smoothly you almost always have to be looking for the next project before you finish the ones you have in house. Because you are trying to build a monthly billing total with little bricks it takes lots of them and they run out in weeks or months – not years. Continue Reading…
Inside Out or Outside In?
Over the last year I have seen two design firms offer contests where the winners get a brand. You can argue about how smart the general strategy is but the issue I see is what it says about the service we provide. It lowers a brand to a door prize, a “thing” someone can win and gain value from. Continue Reading…
Why Crowdsourcing Design is Wrong
The whole concept behind crowdsourcing design is so flawed that it’s amazing that people in the our community have continued to kick this around. It’s as if designers think the only alternative to a flawed system (agencies + project work) is another massively flawed system (crowdsourcing.) Continue Reading…
Client Driven vs. Process Driven
I spent a number of years frustrated with my path as an owner and designer. Stepping back now I can see that it was due to how much client driven work I had. Design Monkey is a word we use around here to describe the function of just pushing pixels and dancing when the client says dance. Continue Reading…